
Spring icon


Discover the benefits of playgroup for you and your child PLUS you could WIN!! Playgroup WA is excited to be offering a chance to win family prizes to Playgroup WA members. EVERYONE who is a current Playgroup WA family member on 14 October 2024 is automatically in the running to…

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3 ways to help kids transition away from screens smoothly

As many parents would have experienced, young children need to learn emotional self-management to be able to transition from one activity they are enjoying to the next activity without a meltdown. Many parents find helping a child finish using a screen device challenging. As part of a study funded by…

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Active kids web

4 ways to use technology to help kids be active

Everyone knows that being physically active is great for kids and helps them be healthy and happy. But many of us worry that technology use is reducing the physical activity of our children. Playgroup WA has been working with ABC Kids, Raising Children Network and Curtin University on a project…

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Benefits of Playdough WP Tile

6 Benefits of Playing with Playdough

Playing with playdough provides many benefits for young children and toddlers. Playdough is a classic childhood favourite that's been around for many years and provides hours of fun. It's the perfect play activity - it's squishy, colourful and there's no wrong or right way to play. Next time your children…

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Intergen Video WP Tile

New Video: Bringing the generations together!

Intergenerational Playgroups are so special to us at Playgroup WA. And you can see why with our latest video! These groups are a wonderful way to build beautiful relationships for both the families and seniors. They offer opportunities to broaden a child’s life experiences, build acceptance of older people and…

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Bottle Play Idea WP Tile

5 Ways To Play: Recycled Plastic Bottles

Incorporating recycled plastic bottles as toys is a great way to incorporate recycling concepts into play time. We've previously shared the benefits of using plastic bottles as homemade toys. Showing children how to reuse and recycle materials for different purposes is an important learning opportunity too. There are endless ways…

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Member Discounts Blog WP Tile

Playgroup WA Member Discounts

Playgroup WA member discounts continue! Our gift to you 💝 Playgroup WA family members have exclusive access to a wide range of discounts on movie tickets, attractions, experiences and gift cards. This includes some of your favourite places like Event Cinemas, HOYTS, Wanneroo Botanical Gardens & Mini Golf, Adventure World,…

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baby playing with water showing different water play ideas young kids can do

Fun water play ideas

If you're looking for simple water play ideas that are easy but guaranteed to keep your little one busy then check out our list! Water play is very beneficial for little ones for so many reasons. We love it because it's simple, versatile and can be done any time of…

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Children playing together showing the benefits of playgroup and how it is great for development

Top 3 benefits of playgroup for children

There are so many benefits from children attending playgroup. We know the research shows that children who attend playgroup in the early years have significantly better child development when they start school. The period between birth and 5 years is the most rapid stage of brain and skill development. Kids…

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Resource Kit WP Tile

Playgroup WA Resource Kit

Announcing the new Playgroup WA Resource Kit Playgroup WA is excited to announce our new Playgroup WA Resource Kit. This new online resource is packed full of information on the playgroup sector and how to manage playgroups. It is a ‘one-stop destination’ for anyone interested in running, hosting, attending or making…

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a child and an adult playing with homemade slime and having fun with messy play

Messy Play Ideas

Looking for messy play ideas? Messy play (and sensory play) is a fun activity for kids of all ages! It engages all the senses and is particularly important form of play especially for babies and toddlers. If you like, you can read about the benefits of messy play here. The…

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Child is pouring rice out of a scoop into a messy play toy

The benefits of messy play

Messy play is lots of fun and a great opportunity for little ones to develop some important skills. Many parents can be hesitant when they first think about messy play but they don’t need to be! Kids need to understand the world through their senses. Messy play provides children with…

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more than play wp tile

5 Reasons Our Members Love Playgroup

Have you been thinking about joining a playgroup? Or have you been hesitant about visiting one? Read on to discover why playgroup is so beneficial for families.   Every year we ask our wonderful community to give us feedback on their personal experience with playgroup. In 2020, we received over 700 responses from our members, and this is what they had…

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Being part of the committee WP tile

The top 5 ways being on a committee can work for you 

No matter how big or small your playgroup is, all playgroups need people to work together to help make things happen.  Your playgroup may have a formal committee with clearly defined roles and tasks, or you may be part of a group that has a more informal way of organising things.  Either way…

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Tips to help find new members

Have a look at these tips to help find new members and ways to welcome past members back. Promoting Your Playgroup Playgroups are a source of enjoyment for many families in the community and are an important community resource. With many parents coming out of social isolation, it is a…

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fine motor skills WP Tile

Fun ways to help develop fine motor skills

Fine motor skills are important for little ones to develop during the early years. Learn why and what you can do to help your child with these skills. What are fine motor skills? Fine motor skills involve the use of the small muscles that control the hand, fingers and thumb. They require…

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Parenting Support: what’s available to you

Parenting can be challenging at times and, as they say, it takes a village to raise a child. As we have seen changes to our current community situation, having access to parenting support is more important than ever. Whether you live in the Perth metropolitan area or regional Western Australia,…

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earth day

Earth Day Activities

Celebrate Earth Day with your little ones with these activities! Every year on April 22nd, Earth Day brings the world together to celebrate, and it’s the perfect time to talk about our wonderful planet with our little ones! When children connect and contribute to their world, it broadens their experiences…

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Homemade toys blog WP

Homemade Toys: Why recycled bottles are great for play!

Homemade toys, such as recycled bottles, can provide the same level of fun and learning opportunities as most mainstream toys. Toys are fun and a great way to extend the play experience but they don't need to be fancy. Especially for the younger ones. A good toy is one that stimulates your…

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Early Literacy TILE

Best Activities to Playfully Encourage Pre-Writing Skills 

Pre-writing skills are fundamental in developing the ability to write. Handwriting is a skill that is developed over time. To master handwriting children need to combine fine motor skills, language, memory and concentration. Acquiring these skills will contribute to your child’s ability to hold and use a pencil, write, draw…

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Oral Language Development

Best Activities to Playfully Encourage Oral Language Development 

 Language and communication skills include the ability to understand others and express oneself using words, gestures or facial expressions.   Language development is most prolific during the first years of life as children’s brains are developing rapidly. This is an important time to expose children to learning new words as often…

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DIY Playdough WP Tile

Easy Homemade Playdough Recipe

Who doesn't love playdough? Making playdough together is an activity in itself - your child will enjoy mixing and squishing to make the dough! Kids of all ages have fun getting involved to make it and it's a great activity to do at home or at playgroup. Playgroup WA's quick…

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Managing Emotions

Managing your child’s emotions

Managing emotions You've heard it I'm sure, "Oh that's such a first-world problem," when there are bills to pay and big world issues around us, emotional and social wellbeing might sound petty. But as it turns out, emotions shape our health and happiness. Recent research with over 150 thousand individuals from 142 countries showed that emotions impact health and life expectancy all around the globe, rich and poor*.   But…

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Early Literacy TILE

Encouraging early literacy for little ones

Encouraging early literacy (pre-reading and pre-writing) skills can be developed through every day experiences and play. Being able to recite the alphabet or write their name doesn't always mean a child will be able to pick up these skills quickly at school, pre-primary or even kindergarten. IN fact, a lot…

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christmas stocking

Christmas Craft Ideas

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year - and with it comes lots of festive inspired crafts to do at playgroup or at home! We have listed some of our favourite Christmas themed activities for you and best of all, they are all simple and easy to do. Christmas…

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Favourite Toys Blog

Our Favourite Toys for Little Ones

Toys are a great way to get your children to engage in play and there are some great toys that give endless play opportunities for your child. The best toys for children spark their imagination by encouraging open ended play as well as providing valuable learning opportunities. Most of all,…

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lotterywest WP

Community playgroups to receive funding boost from Lotterywest

The WA Government through Lotterywest has approved a grant of $200,000 a year for the next three years to provide financial support to community playgroups. Today, the Hon. Simone McGurk, Minister for Child Protection; Women’s Interests; Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence; Community Services, visited Inglewood Playgroup to officially present…

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young children dancing inside doing indoor activities during winter

9 Winter Activities to do at Playgroup

The colder months are here and sometimes this can present a challenge to keep kids entertained at playgroup. But don't let the rain stop you from having fun - we've written some fun ideas to do with the kids at playgroup (and at home!). 1. Hold a disco Dancing promotes…

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Following your child’s lead through play

Child led play is about letting children play freely, without direction or intervention. It is about allowing children to choose what to play, what they’ll play with, with whom they will play and what the rules are. Children are play experts. They learn so much through play in their early…

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Parenthood & Taking Time for Yourself – It’s Really Important

Caring for yourself during a pregnancy and those first few months of parenthood is really important. Sometimes, you need to take time to do things just for you. Use your 'time-out' to do something you enjoy and help to keep things in perspective. Next time you need some 'me' time…

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Ways to share the playgroup workload

From time to time sharing the workload among playgroup families can cause concern and at times result in drama if not dealt with promptly. Your playgroup may have an issue with sharing the workload if any of the following happen: Have you ever complained (or heard someone else in your…

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The Benefits of Attending Playgroup

Playgroups benefit children, families and the wider community. While it is true children can play anywhere, playgroup has an added benefit of providing opportunities for playing with other children and practising important social skills. Importantly, playgroup also provides the opportunity where parents and children can play together, which is critical…

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Get your playgroup running smoothly

Rekindle your passion for running your playgroup with these helpful hints and handy tips to get people involved. If you want to keep your playgroup on track the best place to start is with the committee looking at what jobs or tasks need to get done. These might include: Tasks relating to…

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Intergenerational Playgroups celebrate all ages!

Playgroup WA has been supporting intergenerational play opportunities across the state for more than 10 years and we want more people to join in the fun! “Bringing people from different generations together fosters understanding and builds respect between generations,” said Playgroup WA Development Officer Alicia Harlow – a proud supporter…

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Making everyone feel welcome at playgroup

Playgroups, by their very nature bring all kinds of people together: mothers, fathers, family day care workers, grandparents, nannies, young parents, older parents, parents who work outside the home, parents who are full time at home with their children, same sex parents, single parents. Anyone caring for children 0-5 years…

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Painting ideas to stretch your imagination

If you’re looking for fun ways to entertain children at playgroup (or home) look no further - painting is a great activity with so many physical and emotional benefits. But most of us shy away from it because of the great potential for MESS! If you have the heart to…

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St John WA: Why Parents Need First Aid Skills

Medical emergencies can strike at any time, especially for parents with young children. In these instances, a cool head and preparedness are necessary to prevail. Children are naturally inquisitive. It’s not uncommon for them to experience burns, scalds, cuts, bruises and choking in a household setting. Burns and scalds Hot…

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Top 5 Tips for Nursing a Sick Child at Home

This week I was stuck on the couch with a sick child. Nothing worse than nursing a little one who feels miserable but between cuddles and tummy rubs I had some time to come up with a top 5 list to help families soldier on with an unwell child. Stick…

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blog housework tips

Top 5 Tips for Getting Kids Involved With Housework

Kids and housework don’t always go together. BUT here are my top 5 tips for getting little ones  involved in keeping things neat and tidy at home! Start Young Toddlers and small children are itching to help out with housework and are really happy when they are invited to ‘to…

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SDERA June 2017 Blog cropped

Road and Pedestrian Safety Tips for Families

It is never too early to teach pedestrian and road safety to young children. Here are some ideas: Infants and Babies Ensure you put them into their car seat restraint each and every time. Have it properly checked by a qualified Child Restraint Fitters.  You can locate your nearest Child…

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How I found my ‘village’ at playgroup

A recent article was published on MamaMia detailing one mum's first visit to playgroup (read the full article here) and we thought it was timely to re-publish the following piece from one of our playgroup member's who recently moved to a new regional community and the importance of finding your…

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Autism Feature 1

Autism Awareness & Support Grows

It’s Autism Awareness Month and there are many wonderful events and activities planned across Australia. Thanks to these promotional campaigns awareness surrounding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is growing and conversations surrounding ASD are much easier. Did you know? Playgroup WA operates PlayConnect Playgroups in four WA locations to support families…

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Welcoming a family with an adult or child with a disability to playgroup

My cousin has a disability. My friend’s daughter has Rett Syndrome. My neighbour’s son has been recently diagnosed with a debilitating degenerative condition. You would have to look pretty hard to find someone who isn’t related to, or know of, someone affected by a disability or diagnosis. So it’s a…

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Dads blog 1

Top Tips For Dad – Easy Ways To Be More Involved @ Home and Playgroup

Lately I've been thinking about all of the wonderful things my husband - or 'dad - does with, and for, the kids. Top Tips For Dad And at the top of my list is his playfulness – his ability to ‘show and do’ rather than ‘teach’. Dad knows how to…

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school blog 1

Moving On From Playgroup to Big School

While there are only 8 Saturdays left until Christmas, thousands of parents across WA are pre-occupied by another ticking time bomb … the count down to kindy 2017. Whether it’s your first born, middle child or baby enjoying their last few weeks at playgroup before they head off to big…

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