Graduation Certificates

The end of the playgroup year may mean that some of our friends will be moving on to start new adventures.

Please find some Graduation Certificate templates to download and use:

Graduation Certificate (No Photo)
Simply download our template and enter in the name of the child in the space provided.

PGWA Cert of Grad No Photo






Graduation Certificate (Photo)
Simply download our template and enter in the name of the child in the space provided plus also include a photo of the child by following these steps:
1. Right click on the photo
2. Select Format Picture
3. Select the FILL option
4. Make sure the 'Picture or Texture Fill' option is selected and under 'Insert Picture From' click 'File'
5. Choose your photo

PGWA Cert of Grad Photo






Graduation Certificate 
Save the image template below and print 

graduation cert 1