Supporting Families Through Early Childhood: The First 1000 Days Project

The First 1000 Days at Playgroup project and integration

A growing body of research shows the first 1000 days in a child's life (from conception to two years of age) is a significant and important stage of development.

Early experiences shape the way children’s brains and bodies develop with long term consequences for mental health, learning and physical health.

The quality of relationships that children and families experience is a key factor and families being supported and connected in their local communities is a goal that we can achieve.

Playgroup WA addressed this opportunity by initiating the First 1000 Days at Playgroup project, with the support of Lotterywest.

This two-year pilot project from 2021 to 2023 aimed to connect families in their local community at playgroup during those important years. This includes first time pregnancy through to the first few years of a child’s life.

We believe there is much that can be done and by working with communities directly, we are hoping to create a positive and healthy environment for families to thrive.

In 2024, we are now integrating what we learned from the pilot project. Playgroup WA Development Officers are establishing First 1000 Days at Playgroup sessions at several playgroups. To find out more, email:

Are you a parent looking for more information on the first 1000 days or a playgroup wanting to implement First 1000 Days at Playgroup sessions at your playgroup? Email:


Like to know more?

For more information, please email

In the media

Read the article in The West Australian on 28 July 2021, page 3, on the pilot project here.