Gardening – Child
Gardens are wonderful spaces for children to learn about different plants and animals. They can search for and learn about all sorts of bugs and which ones crawl or fly and why.
Did you know?
Gardening helps children develop and understand early science and maths concepts.
Helping to pot and water plants teaches children about volume and measurement.
Add language
Add some comments or ask some questions that include more thinking and reasoning e.g. “I think bugs have been eating these plants”, “How you know bugs have been eating this plant?”, “I wonder where they are hiding”.
Other development
Helping to care for plants helps to build responsibility and extend thoughts beyond the self.
Saving food scraps and using them for gardening compost increases your child’s awareness about the environment, recycling, and what makes plants survive and grow. Worm farms are also fantastic!
Try growing some edible herbs, fruit or vegetables in your garden. Children are more likely to try foods they have helped to grow.
Take photos of the garden during different seasons and compare them to see the changes.
Find out if there is a community garden in your neighbourhood that you and your child can go to and meet other families.
Gardens are great spaces for producing art and fostering creativity!
Supervision is required to ensure children are safe from harmful animals or plants. Check the garden for any chemicals (pellets, sprays) or dangers before exploring. Always use sun protection when playing outside & supervise around water. Make sure children wash their hands after gardening.
Kid Safe has put together a fact sheet on toxic plants and kids, you can view it here.
Across the ages
All the activities listed on our “Play Ideas” page can be applied across different age groups. See how gardening can be a fun activity for babies, toddlers and playgroups.
Activities listed under “child” are suitable for children 3 years and older. Children of this age enjoy more complex activities where they can develop their skills and use their imagination while playing with friends.