Pedestrian Safety

Did you know?

Research has shown that young children can easily learn road drills or rules but may not use them in dangerous situations or simply recite them without understanding them.

Smart Steps Hint…
Increase your child’s road safety skills and understanding by doing some practical road-side training with them, as well as teaching them the rules.

• Teach your children to stop, look, listen and think before crossing the road and give them plenty of opportunities to practice.
• Help them to understand speed, distance and direction by asking them to say whether vehicles are fast, slow, near or far, and travelling towards you or away from you.
• Encourage your children to participate in making decisions about when, where and how it is safe to cross the road (eg at traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, etc.)
• Praise children when they demonstrate safe pedestrian behaviour.

Parents as role models

Adults can reduce the risk for children in the road environment by ensuring that they:

  • Are always supervised when walking in and around traffic
  • Always hold an adult’s hand (or when not available, hold a pram, bag or clothes)
  • Walk on the side that is furthest away from the traffic or hazard
  • Never run ahead
  • Use a footpath when available
  • Can identify safe places to cross (eg where pedestrian facilities such as traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, and medium strips exist or where there is a clear view of traffic in every direction and drivers can see them waiting to cross)
  • Are praised and encouraged when safe pedestrian behaviour is shown
  • Participate in making decisions about when and where it is safe to cross
  • Understand the traffic environment is dangerous
  • Understand pedestrians must comply with road signs and signals (eg crosswalks and traffic signals with pedestrian phases).

Visit the SDERA Website for other ideas and activities

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